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Hello! Welcome to my Personal Website

Thank you for visiting my personal website. Here, you’ll find an overview of my academic journey, research interests, and a bit about me as a person. As a teacher and researcher, I interested in the mechanisms by which humans process and understand language and literature, with a focus on uncovering the nuances of language through computational analysis.

Research and Teaching

My academic interests encompass a diverse range of fields, including empirical approaches to literature, digital humanities, distant reading, eye-tracking, stylistics, reader response theory, and historical linguistics. As a lecturer in Digital Humanities at The University of Manchester and a researcher at the Centre for Digital Humanities, Cultures and Media, I am excited to share my knowledge and contribute to the evolving landscape of these interdisciplinary fields.

Previous Experience

Before my current role, I taught Distant Reading for the MPhil program in Digital Humanities at the University of Cambridge. I also worked as the lead researcher on the project “High Mountains Low Arousal? Distant Reading Topographies of Sentiment in German Swiss Novels in the Early 20th Century” with Prof. Berenike Herrmann at the University of Bielefeld. This project explored literary landscapes through distant reading techniques and sentiment analysis, offering fresh perspectives on how sentiment shapes narrative structures.

Get to Know Me

Beyond academia, I love nature and the outdoors; I cook, try to keep fit, play the violin and do my best with a number of other instruments. I love cats and I have a black greyhound. These hobbies keep me grounded and inspire my work, reminding me that literature, language, and culture are, at their core, human experiences.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions, want to collaborate, or are simply interested in learning more about my work!

Affiliations (present and past):

The University of Manchester

Cambridge Digital Humanities, University of Cambridge

Bielefeld University

Digital Humanities Lab (DHLab), Basel

CRAL Centre for Research in Applied Linguistics

IGEL International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media

PALA poetics and linguistics association